I am a passionate advocate for social justice and equity, achieving outcomes for people who are marginalised or needing support to maximise their potential. I started early in my career with the Federal Department of Ethnic Affairs and “give back” through pro-bono positions such as the Advisory Council for the Gross National Happiness Centre (GNH) Bhutan, and other Directorships for similar organisations. I have considerable experience running a successful service operation and am proud to be Managing Director of this successful business for over 20 years. I have considerable experience as a non Executive Director in both the public and private sectors, and am a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company of Directors. My expertise lies in policy setting, providing strategic guidance and governance over initiatives such as outsourcing, financial management and strategic planning for the future activities of large and small organisations. I have a “big picture” understanding of both the private & public sectors, understand key business drivers and markets, think strategically in an ever-changing environment, and am aware of the implications of decisions on all stakeholders. I love what I do and am privileged to be working with Rebecca and the team at DP Workplace Solutions.