Please click one of the services below for more information:
> Suitable Employment Assessments
> Career Coaching and Career Transition Management
> Vocational Preparation
> Labour Market Research
> Work Trials
> Job Placement Services
> Supported Wage System Assessment
> Workplace Support Services (WSS) Initial Assessment
> Workplace Support Services (WSS) RTW Planning
> Vocational Assessments
Completed by either a Psychologist or experienced Return to Work Consultant, this service identifies available, realistic and suitable employment options for the worker. Depending on the nature of claim, the assessment and resulting report may include a mixture of the following elements:
Designed for those who are unsure of which future career direction is appropriate, this service is delivered by one of DP Workplace Solutions’ registered Psychologists. The Psychologist will conduct a one-on-one assessment of the individual’s history, current situation, as well as desired career direction, and assist with redeployment into a new role. This service also delivers the development of tailored resumes, cover letters and individual job applications.
This service which includes the identification of suitable employment options for an injured worker and vocational preparation activities in group and one on one settings, to prepare the worker to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for new suitable, safe and sustainable employment.
Our Labour Market Analysts are able to readily source and identify current job details, skills and requirements within a specific job role or industry. The Labour Market Unit collate current up to date information relating to labour market trends which is utilised to maximise opportunities for workers to engage successfully in sustainable paid employment.
If the workers capacity to engage in identified employment is unclear, the Consultant will arrange for an unpaid work trial or training placement with a Host Employer. Work Training placements are a maximum of 4 weeks in duration and designed to provide the worker with training and exposure to new employment opportunities. This allows the worker to understand the full requirements of the role and the employer to provide feedback to assist in identifying additional skills or training requirements which may be necessary for the role.
Workers are referred for Job Placement Services when they are unable to return to the place of employment where the injury was sustained. Where “one on one” job seeking assistance is required, the Consultant will meet with the worker on a weekly basis to assist them to obtain employment with an alternative employer. Group job search training sessions are run weekly to assist with vocational preparation skills. Topics covered include resume preparation, canvassing techniques, personal presentation and interview skills, injury disclosure and local labour market data.
Our Consultants provide a process for reliable and independent work productivity to enable people with a disability to obtain employment in an open labour market. This allows us to assess the productivity of the worker against the average performance levels of co-workers without undertaking the same tasks or duties in the workplace.
Our Consultants are able to complete WSS Initial Assessments for psychological injury claims where a workplace relationship issue is the barrier to a return to work. Our Consultants will assist all parties to address or resolve the circumstances that led to the workplace issues and instill confidence in all parties for a safe and sustainable return to work.
Our Consultants will propose a RTW goal within a timeframe and ensure a graded return to work plan is developed in line with the recommendations. Restrictions are also accomodated to ensure a safe and durable return to work is achieved.
A Vocational Assessment is completed by one of DP Workplace Solutions’ registered Psychologists. The purpose of the service is to evaluate a worker’s actual and potential ability, cognitive skills, aptitudes and competencies by way of one-on-one interview, psychometric interview, and review of vocational history. This information is then gathered and related to available and realistic job options, which the worker would be potentially suitable to perform.