Injury Prevention

Please click one of the services below for more information:Manual Handling Training Job DictionariesErgonomic Workplace Assessments

Manual Handling Training

DP Workplace Solutions offers customised manual handling training for employers to educate their staff on correct techniques to reduce the risk of injury. An Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist will attend the worksite and meet with relevant personnel to gain an understanding of the various types of positions and the inherent physical demands. Training sessions are conducted with groups of no more than 12 members of staff, so the sessions can be interactive and allow attendees to ask questions. Submit a referral here.

Job Dictionaries

A Job Dictionary is a comprehensive report detailing analysis of work tasks for all jobs within an organisation. The Job Dictionary is tailored to the needs of the individual company and assists with compliance to the Equal Employment Opportunity, Workers’ Rehabilitation and OHS Acts and Regulations. It also facilitates the return to work of injured employees. Job Dictionaries can help to minimise WorkCover levies and associated claims and employment costs. Job Dictionaries offer the following benefits to organisations:

    • Information for medical officers regarding the physical demands of tasks, facilitation of injured workers’ prompt and safe return to work


    • Job demands for individual occupations highlighted to match physical capacities


    • Assistance with job matching at pre-placement assessments


    • Manual handling and task risk analysis, demonstrating compliance with OHS and manual handling legislative requirements


    • Reduction in workplace accidents and associated costs through the early identification and implementation of risk minimisation strategies


    • Provides a framework for the generation of Safe Operating Procedures.

Submit a referral here.

Ergonomic/Workspace Assessments

Ergonomic Assessments and Workstation Assessments, ensure that an individual’s workspace is ergonomically designed minimise the risk of injury in the workplace and maximise productivity. These assessments are conducted by an Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist. The specific assessment components include:

  • Assessment of posture with education regarding the importance of maintaining good posture to minimise risk of injury. A handout is provided regarding correct workstation set up and design.
  • Assessment of specific physical demands of the role/duties completed.
  • Assessment of equipment used and workplace design with modifications and adjustments made as required.
  • Assessment of environmental factors, eg. lighting, noise, work surface, work environment and temperature.
  • Education regarding the importance of pause-stretch exercises with a handout provided including appropriate exercises.

  The purpose of these assessments is:

  • To assist in the return to work of an injured worker through ensuring their workstation is designed and modifications implemented to minimise any discomfort and prevent risk of aggravation to their symptoms.
  • To ensure the work environment is safe and ergonomically designed, promoting correct posture to minimise risk of injury.
  • DP Workplace Solutions is also able to offer education and training sessions on workplace ergonomics.

  Submit a referral here.